Colin Henry
Flameseeker Chronicles: Previewing Guild Wars 2 Janthir Wilds’ latest episode, Repentance
Repent! For the penultimate update to Guild Wars 2's Janthir Wilds expansion is at hand!
We are at the midpoint of this expansion's continuing story...
Flameseeker Chronicles: Hands-on with Godspawn, Guild Wars 2’s latest release
Today marks the release of Godspawn, the first content patch of the Janthir Wilds expansion cycle for Guild Wars 2. While this patch comes...
Flameseeker Chronicles: How to gear up in Guild Wars 2 in 2024 – without breaking the bank
Gearing in Guild Wars 2 is simultaneously really nice and also very frustrating. It's nice because there is no uber tier of stats locked...
Flameseeker Chronicles: 10 easy Guild Wars 2 builds for solo play in 2024’s Janthir Wilds
While most MMORPGs offer a variety of ways to play a character, Guild Wars 2 offers a huge variety of builds for each of...
Flameseeker Chronicles: Previewing Guild Wars 2’s Janthir Wilds story, warclaw, and homesteading
It feels like less than a year ago that Guild Wars 2 was launching its last expansion… oh wait, it was! Love it or...
Flameseeker Chronicles: Previewing Guild Wars 2 Secrets of the Obscure’s final chapter, The Midnight King
It's strange to say it after just one year, but Guild Wars 2's Secrets of the Obscure era is drawing to a close! Don't...
Tamriel Infinium: Everything you need to know about Elder Scrolls Online’s Gold Road chapter
The Elder Scrolls Online celebrated its 10th anniversary just this week, an impressive milestone and a chance to reflect on just how far this...
Flameseeker Chronicles: First impressions of Guild Wars 2’s The Realm of Dreams, launching today
Can you believe it has been more than half a year since we took our first steps into the mysterious, long-teased Wizard's Tower in...
A fresh first impressions: Checking out Palia for the first time on Switch
Outside of MMORPGs, life sims are probably the most-played genre in my household. I originally bought Stardew Valley for my wife a few years...
Flameseeker Chronicles: Five Guild Wars 2 event farms to combat your labyrinth letdown
My favorite thing about Guild Wars 2's Shadow of the Mad King Halloween event is the Mad King's Labyrinth. There's nothing quite like it,...
Flameseeker Chronicles: Hands-on with Guild Wars 2 Through the Veil’s Inner Nayos and convergences
Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure was a bit of a different expansion in that it wasn't one big chunk of content dropped...
Flameseeker Chronicles: Hands-on with Guild Wars 2’s Secrets of the Obscure
It has been a weird time to be a Guild Wars 2 fan, with a lot of ups and downs lately. End of Dragons...
Flameseeker Chronicles: Secrets of the Obscure has me concerned for Guild Wars 2’s future
If you haven't picked up on it by now, I really like Guild Wars 2. It is my favorite MMORPG of all time and...
Flameseeker Chronicles: Guild Wars 2’s skyscale changes are great
So here's a funny story: I was literally in the middle of writing an article titled "The time to make the skyscale more accessible...
MMO Burnout: Lessons MMOs can learn from The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom
Like most MMO players, I am, first and foremost, a PC gamer. However, like many gamers born in the '80s and '90s, I also...
Flameseeker Chronicles: Wrapping up the End of Dragons era with What Lies Within
It's the end of an era: Guild Wars 2's End of Dragons era of content comes to a close with today's episode, titled What...
Flameseeker Chronicles: What we learned (and didn’t) from Guild Wars 2’s spring 2023 roadmap
The most nerve-wracking thing about being an MMORPG player is uncertainty. MMO players don't like change, and when a change is teased, many of...
Flameseeker Chronicles: Guild Wars 2’s What Lies Beneath, the next End of Dragons story, has launched
Happy anniversary to Guild Wars 2's End of Dragons expansion! Can you believe it has been a whole year? In some ways I feel...
Guild Wars 2 is revamping Mesmer and Firebrand mantras – again – in next week’s balance patch
Over the weekend, Guild Wars 2 balance lead Cal Cohen and associate game designer Roy Marks swung by the ArenaNet Twitch channel to show...
Flameseeker Chronicles: Wrapping up Guild Wars 2’s S1 reboot with episode 5, The Battle for Lion’s Arch
It's finally here! The most memorable, most important part of Guild Wars 2's Living World Season 1 story. The moment we've all been waiting...