skull and bones

Skull and Bones delays its second year of content to April 15 to execute ‘very ambitious and exciting plans’

If you were among those players champing at the bit to get into Skull and Bones' second year of content, you're going to unfortunately...

Skull and Bones’ February patch addresses faults in aiming, taunting, and job board contracts

We were just talking on the podcast about how much we appreciate it when developers add explanatory notes in patches, and lo and behold,...

Rumor: Skull and Bones is getting a second year of content including PvP modes and crossover events

If we all take some insider reporting at face value, things over at Ubisoft Singapore's multiplayer pirating game Skull and Bones are doing just...

Skull and Bones tries again with its Great Shadow world event after bugs forced it offline

Ubisoft is sheepishly trying again with a big patch feature in Skull and Bones after having to take a brand-new world event offline earlier...

Skull and Bones expands your warehouse and adds more rewards in this week’s update

A pirate with the most loyal crew and swankiest ship might find him or herself at a loss if there's no place to put...

Skull & Bones’ Shadow of the Deep season launches with a new antagonist, events, and updates

That which is dead can never die, especially in video games where being dead is really just a temporary pause until someone is eventually...

Skull & Bones Season 4 brings new threats, a new ship, and a parrot November 19

For all of the pirate-y things that the multiplayer world of Skull & Bones offers, the one thing that's been missing all this time...

Skull and Bones adds spooky new ship fights in its latest Halloween-themed event

If you're trying to merge piratical adventure with Halloween, one of the best (and arguably most used) ways to do it is to add...

Skull & Bones boosts event rewards and talks up September’s patch improvements

It would be pretty easy to remember Skull & Bones' last patch purely because of its long deployment delay and subsequent bugs, but the...

Ubisoft ponders a buyout by Tencent and Guillemot family’s company after second quarter stumbles

It's become clear now that the Star Wars and Assassin's Creed IPs are not as ironclad as they once were for Ubisoft: Following a...

Skull & Bones’ latest patch runs into a delay caused by a ‘critical’ server-crashing issue

Today is patch day for Skull & Bones, which naturally means that maintenance had to happen yesterday in order to apply the update. However,...

Over 2M gamers fought Skull & Bones’ season 2 big boss duo

The third season for multiplayer pirate-'em-up Skull & Bones isn't over yet, but even so Ubisoft Singapore is taking a moment to recount players'...

Skull & Bones arrives on Steam today as Season 3 Into the Dragon’s Wake goes live

Ubisoft is full-speed ahead with Skull and Bones' third season, which is officially live as of this afternoon. Dubbed Into the Dragon's Wake, the...
Thank goodness we finally launched.

Skull and Bones outlines keyboard and mouse control updates ahead of its August 22 Steam release

With Skull and Bones headed to Steam on August 22nd alongside the game's new season, Ubisoft Singapore is taking the opportunity to to improve...

Skull and Bones’ Into the Dragon’s Wake kicks off a new season on August 22

Just when you finally got your pirate vessel fully insured, along comes a new ship and cannons to blow up your deductible. Yet look...
it's wet, back to you

Skull & Bones addresses combat balance, expands warehouses, and adds daily rewards to bounties

Your culverins and your long guns are going to be a little bit more lethal in Skull & Bones following the game's most recent...

Skull and Bones outlines adjustments to food buffs, storage, and ship items arriving August 6

The next mid-season patch for Skull and Bones is on the horizon, but players of the game are getting an advance look at some...

Skull and Bones announces its arrival to Steam on August 22

Have you been eager to play Skull and Bones but you can't bring yourself to use any other digital games platform outside of Steam...

Skull and Bones Season 2 continues the Chorus of Havoc with more upcoming limited-time events

For those who are still sailing around in the ongoing Season 2 content of Skull and Bones, you might have been a bit too...

Skull and Bones latest S2 patch buffs the call-for-help and bounty systems

Early this morning, Ubisoft deployed Skull and Bone's latest update, the first post-season 2, unexcitingly named Y1S2.1. Of note, the studio has overhauled the call-for-help...