wow factor

WoW Factor is Eliot Lefebvre’s column on an MMO you’ve probably never heard of: World of Warcraft. [Follow this column’s RSS feed]

WoW Factor: Undermine(d) highlights World of Warcraft’s chaotic silly side

World of Warcraft Update 11.1: Undermine(d) is finally here, and it's certainly got the community buzzing. I kind of suspected this would be the...

WoW Factor: Six player-created challenges to spice up your World of Warcraft leveling

It seems almost impossible to play video games for extended periods of time and not fall into some sort of rut or routine. We...

WoW Factor: World of Warcraft’s housing design is exactly what we need

I haven't weighed in on this tiny little insignificant World of Warcraft housing news since it dropped last November, mostly because I've been waiting to...

WoW Factor: Ranking all 10 of World of Warcraft’s expansions from worst to best

Now that I've played through the entirety of The War Within, I have some strong opinions where this expansion lies in the grander tapestry...
Actually call it a comeback.

WoW Factor: The ‘tactical era’ of World of Warcraft dungeons kind of wasn’t

One of the things that I like to do, in both this column and elsewhere, is push back against myths that have grown up...
Get back.

WoW Factor: The pros and cons of stripping timer requirements from World of Warcraft’s Mythic+ runs

So the other day, an interesting topic came up in our feeds: Apparently, at least if you go by the survey, World of Warcraft's...
I circle the waterfront, I'm watching the sea.

WoW Factor: A World of Warcraft housing wishlist

To the surprise of basically no one who is at least passingly familiar with me over the past several years, I am indeed still...

WoW Factor: Home is where the heart is, even in World of Warcraft

It has been a curious sensation these last few months, looking at World of Warcraft: The War Within and not wanting to play. That...

WoW Factor: Is World of Warcraft’s War Within the ‘come back’ expansion Blizzard wanted it to be?

It was two years ago this month that World of Warcraft players were riding out the final days of one of its most disappointing...

Casually Classic: Looking back at my 20+ year journey in World of Warcraft

When was the first time you ever heard of World of Warcraft? As a fan of the three Warcraft RTS titles, I became aware of...

First Impressions: The War Within breathes new life into World of Warcraft

After being mostly disappointed with Dragonflight, I was wondering if my decision to return to World of Warcraft for the Worldsoul Saga was a...
we're so dark

Casually Classic: The five World of Warcraft mods I use as a non-modder playing The War Within

Generally, I don't use mods for MMORPGs. Or most video games. It's not that I take some high-minded principled stand against them; I have...

WoW Factor: Leaving World of Warcraft’s Dragon Isles for good

Vallin didn't like boats. Lots of Dwarves did, he knew he was the outlier in that regard, but he had never cared for them....

WoW Factor: The black mark of World of Warcraft’s player economy

Sometimes, I like to play a little game with MOP's Bree. I say I like to because the game is "Give Bree An Aneurysm,"...
This plan sure worked!

WoW Factor: The mulligan problem in World of Warcraft’s narrative

In World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, Illidan Stormrage gets killed. This isn't actually a surprising end for the character. Illidan as a person...
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WoW Factor: Blizzard started listening to World of Warcraft players for a reason its leadership doesn’t want to say

I have a few different conflicting thoughts when it comes to the most recent interview with World of Warcraft game director Ion Hazzikostas, or...
Everybody dies.

WoW Factor: MMORPG raiding is not special

You all remember The Incredibles, right? I know that these days the hot take is to try to spin the film as some sort...
The gates are closed to me.

WoW Factor: Is The War Within going to be ready for its launch?

The surprise announcement of the date for World of Warcraft: The War Within prompted what I'm sure is a lovely reader with a large...

WoW Factor: The streak The War Within needs to break for World of Warcraft

On November 13th, 2008, World of Warcraft's second expansion, Wrath of the Lich King, was released to an eager population. The prior expansion, The...
All over again.

WoW Factor: Story Difficulty is a bad idea and a good idea all rolled into one

Back during Wrath of the Lich King, I remember people asking for a story difficulty for raids in World of Warcraft because if the...