One Shots is a Massively Overpowered feature in which we highlight cool MMORPG screenshots from readers. You can send your screenshots into us at [Follow this feature’s RSS feed]
one shots
One Shots: Clean up on aisle everything
If you came here hoping to find beauty and wonder encapsulated in a single picture, look away, for Minimalistway is bringing you nothing but...
One Shots: How to potty train your dragon
Think you have it rough raising a miniature human or juvenile feline or canine? Just try finding fireproof diapers and charred formula for a...
One Shots: And yours are almost used up
Minimalistway is hitting us with what I think is a One Shots game debut, which never fails to tickle me. "This is the boss...
One Shots: The picture of patience
What makes for the perfect portrait? Great lighting and costuming certainly helps, as does the serene pose of the subject. And as George Washington...
One Shots: A happy birthday for a death idol
You never stop to think about it -- because seriously, why would you? -- but even lonely cave idols celebrate their special birthdays. Their...
One Shots: Prop painting is a contact sport
If you go to an art school where they teach the art of Pictomancy, you're going to want to stash those small, fine brushes...
One Shots: Weird place for an AirBnB but OK
Listen. I know it had great reviews and a Super Host. I know that it offers wifi and a full granola bar. But there's...
One Shots: Someone go get the vacuum cleaner
Stop! Nobody move an inch or you'll get cut! Go get your mom and tell her that we need the vacuum cleaner ASAP. Someone...
One Shots: Saddle up and play, pardner!
If and when you're hungry to saddle up and play a western online RPG, where do you go? The pickin's are a little slim,...
One Shots: Pretty please give me those pretty spaceships
It's a new year of community screenshots here at One Shots Incorporated (that's right, we're now a soulless corporation with algorithms and AI and...
The great and majestic One Shots Awards of 2024
Forget all of those other Massively OP awards you've seen cross your desktop for the past few weeks -- we all know that there's only...
One Shots: Striding boldly through fields of sunflowers
With the chill of winter and color leeching out of nature during this month, it's certainly nice to be able to visit warmer seasons...
One Shots: Fully furnished and in need of a yard sale
Hey look, everyone, it's RimaHadley! Welcome back to the big leagues, AKA "that goofy Sunday column where we get to stream our games, one...
One Shots: Don’t move or Kris Kringle gets it!
Even though it's the apocalypse, it doesn't mean we have to cancel Christmas! That's the message coming through loud and clear as our jolly...
One Shots: The billiards of the universe
The irony of going on lengthy adventures to exotic settings in MMOs is that your character usually doesn't bring a smartphone to take pictures...
One Shots: The eternal rambler
Sometimes don't you wish that your character had a "out with it" emote that would make NPCs cut down on their rambling speeches and...
One Shots: How to tantalize your dragon
You know what's always a good idea? To go right up to the jagged maw of a ravenous carnivore and tempt fate by trying...
One Shots: Gather those rosebuds while you may
Hope you're not allergic to jungle settings and giant plants spewing all manner of pollen and brain-altering parasites, because we're going to the thick...
One Shots: A sticky situation, indeed
While I am a general fan of honey, the fact that this is a dessert guarded by hundreds of bees does turn my attention...
One Shots: The destiny of dragons
World of Warcraft may not be in the Dragonflight era any longer, but The War Within's first big content update had a lot of love for...