city of heroes

Official Site: City of Heroes
Studio: Paragon Studios/NCsoft
Launch Date: April 27, 2004
Sunset Date: November 30, 2012
Homecoming License Date: January 4, 2024
Genre: Superhero Hybrid Themepark
Business Model: Hybrid F2P (Optional Sub, Cash Shop)
Platform: PC, Mac

Our more specific coverage of the City of Heroes revival is also binned here; you can find the tighter chronology of community rogue server posts right here; regular coverage following the official licensing of the Homecoming servers resumes under the regular City of Heroes tag.

Never hitting the winner's circle.

Design Mockument: How would a Marvel MMORPG actually work?

We've had an awful lot of Marvel-related online projects that never quite get over the finish line into an MMORPG. Sure, we have had...

Massively Overthinking: Toxic positivity in the land of MMORPGs

As I type this, we've been watching the Lord of the Rings Online transfer situation unfold for over a week now, and I've personally...

One Shots: Clean up on aisle everything

If you came here hoping to find beauty and wonder encapsulated in a single picture, look away, for Minimalistway is bringing you nothing but...
Dive! DIVE!

MMO Hype Train: Ship of Heroes’ greatest challenge is its spiritual predecessor

So Ship of Heroes is expected to launch this year, perhaps around summertime? That should be good news -- even great news -- for...

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite villain group in an MMORPG?

I admit the temptation to talk about Star Wars Galaxies' Meatlumps today because they are fun and weird and such a fun little piece...

City of Heroes Rebirth shares footage of Issue 7’s new streetwear-styled costume options

It's been a couple of months since rogue server City of Heroes: Rebirth announced a delay of Issue 7 into sometime in 2025, though...

One Shots: A happy birthday for a death idol

You never stop to think about it -- because seriously, why would you? -- but even lonely cave idols celebrate their special birthdays. Their...

Casually Classic: Why vanilla Classic’s quest system was an industry revolution

In every retrospective covering World of Warcraft's explosive success out of the gate, there's a lot of effort spent trying to put a finger...

Massively Overthinking: MMOs that suck in interesting ways

This week's Massively Overthinking is entirely inspired by a fantastic argument made by YouTuber on Bluesky. Iron Pineapple declared that "a good game can...
Wow, positive.

Perfect Ten: 10 MMORPGs that came back from the dead

The fact that I loved Charlotte's Web as a child probably had some influence on my developing brain, but it does mean that I...

The Daily Grind: Which MMOs have the best small group content for 2-3 players?

One of the reasons my family keeps gravitating back to MMOs like Guild Wars 2 and City of Heroes is that they have an...

One Shots: Weird place for an AirBnB but OK

Listen. I know it had great reviews and a Super Host. I know that it offers wifi and a full granola bar. But there's...

Vague Patch Notes: The war of the MMO builds

Talking about your build in an MMORPG can be oddly contentious with people. On the one hand, you are inevitably going to have people...
This is probably fine.

End-of-Year Eleven: The MMOs with the most uncertain futures in 2025

I am the sort of person who derives no small amount of ongoing satisfaction from the idea that I have had an influence upon...

Interview: NCsoft America’s new CEO, Jeonghee Jin, on awakening the ‘sleeping giant in the West’

A few years ago, I attended Black Desert Online's Heidel Ball, one of the yearly events that Pearl Abyss holds to make major announcements for...

City of Heroes Homecoming offers a brief roadmap with two major updates planned for 2025

While City of Heroes Homecoming's license from NCsoft was big news last January, regular readers will know that after the initial rush of players...

End-of-Year Eleven: All the upcoming MMOs to watch in 2025 and beyond

As we turn the page on another fascinating year of MMORPG history, we cross into fresh territory. What lies ahead? Surprises, disappointments, and endless...

City of Heroes Homecoming expands today with the addition of the Victory server

A year ago when NCsoft first granted City of Heroes Homecoming the license to operate officially, the devs made clear that they would be...
Here we are again.

End-of-year Eleven: The best value MMOs at the top of 2025

So here we are again, at the transition for another year, and let me tell you that I am glad this column went a...
Not cool!

Vague Patch Notes: How Throne and Liberty actually got my attention

Leading up to the release of Throne and Liberty, I was not particularly enthusiastic about the game's prospects on a whole. The reasons for...