not so massively

Not-So-Massively games are online games that share some but not all mechanics in common with traditional MMORPGs. Generally, their “massive” nature is contested. They frequently include games from subgenres like battle royale, OARPG, MMOFPS, MMORTS, MOBA, lootershooter, mobile, and other pseudo-MMOs that provide single-player, offline, or custom-server support. The Not So Massively column is now written by Tyler Edwards. [Follow this column’s RSS feed]

Not So Massively: Comparing the grinds of World of Warcraft and The First Descendant

Lately most of my gaming time has gone into two games: World of Warcraft and The First Descendant. They're both very grindy games, but...

Not So Massively: Checking up on StarCraft II’s would-be successors

For some time now, MassivelyOP's Not So Massively column has been keeping an eye on the crop of upcoming real time strategy games that...

Not So Massively: What we’d like to see from a StarCraft shooter

According to the rumour mill, Blizzard is currently working on a shooter game in the StarCraft universe - again. By my counting this would...

Not So Massively: Holidays in The First Descendant are truly the blurst of times

When I first tried The First Descendant, I hit a brick wall over the fact that I didn't enjoy playing the two freebie characters...

Not So Massively: Deep-diving ZeroSpace’s factions and final thoughts on the beta

We've reached the third and final piece of Not So Massivey's extensive impressions from the recent open beta of multiplayer RTS ZeroSpace. In my...

Not So Massively: ZeroSpace’s MMO-inspired Galactic War and other PvE modes

Welcome to part two of Not So Massively's in-depth impressions of the recent open beta of multiplayer RTS ZeroSpace. In my first piece, I...

Not So Massively: The dizzying complexity of ZeroSpace’s beta

With Stormgate struggling off the bat and Immortal: Gates of Pyre turning to the blockchain dark side, ZeroSpace is looking like the last, best...

Not So Massively: Songs of Silence is a stylish blend of multiplayer 4X and auto-battler

Considering I don't even do that it often, you'd be surprised how often I find interesting games just by scrolling through Steam's home page....

Not So Massively: Immortal Gates of Pyre offers multiplayer RTS fans a glimmer of hope

It's been a busy month for fans of the real time strategy genre. Even as Stormgate ran its early access preview, another crowdfunded StarCraft...

Not So Massively: Stormgate was not ready for early access

As the first of StarCraft II's spiritual successors to make it to a public launch, Stormgate will be releasing free to play for all...

Not So Massively: The problem with The First Descendant’s character unlock mechanics

The First Descendant has made quite a splash since it launched earlier this month. Nexon's looter shooter, dubbed "Warframe with waifus" by the greater...

Hands-on with V Rising: PC vs. PS5, multiplayer, and progression impressions

You might think given the last few pieces I've written that I might have a thing for vampires. I vehemently deny this. It is...
Meness and Ausrine, sittin' in a tree...

Not So Massively: Godsworn made me break my ‘no early access’ rule

I'm pretty blasé about most monetization in games, but there are a few things that I don't like, and charging for early access is...

Not So Massively: Final Stand Ragnarok might be the seed of a fun game, but it was set up for failure

Not being a PvP fan, I haven't had much investment in the long and tortured saga of Camelot Unchained, but I am a fan...

Not So Massively: Last Epoch is a potential gem in dire need of polishing

Originally Kickstarted in 2018, Last Epoch has been in early access on Steam for about five years, but the developers at Eleventh Hour Games...

Not So Massively: Lightyear Frontier is a charming blend of survivalbox and life sim

Like many people, I spent a lot of last week downloading and trying demos on Steam's Next Fest. There was one I almost didn't...

Not So Massively: Stormgate isn’t delivering a revolution (yet)

Stormgate's marketing is laser-focused on studio Frost Giant's plan to deliver an "RTS revolution." With StarCraft II still popular but slowly waning as it...

Not So Massively: It’s okay that Redfall is just okay

I rarely let myself get too hyped for unreleased games, but I was keeping one eye on the vampire-hunting online FPS Redfall. When it...

Not So Massively: Eternal Card Game’s gauntlet problem

A little over a year ago, I discovered digital CCG Eternal Card Game and sung the praises of its robust solo content. Since then...

Not So Massively: The growing field of StarCraft II spiritual successors

StarCraft II ranks very highly on my list of my favourite games of all time, but while it remains popular, it is in maintenance...