warframe of mind

Warframe of Mind is a Warframe column by MJ Guthrie. [Follow this column’s RSS feed]

Techrot Encore rocks Warframe 1999 with new music, protoframes, a pub, and a sentient guitar on March 19

Do Warframe players need more reasons to head back to Warframe 1999? Not necessarily (although where else can you hang out at a '90s...
Power of the Primes.

Warframe of Mind: How do you find the Warframe you want to play?

I've been circling around writing this column for a while because it is absolutely the most important possible thing for anyone to decide in Warframe,...

Warframe of Mind: How to prioritize your Warframe Belly of the Beast rerun

If you somehow missed that Operation: Belly of the Beast is back in Warframe at the moment, what with the alerts popping up repeatedly......

Warframe of Mind: Unpacking the reveals of the latest Warframe developer stream

After years and years of watching a pretty standard set of development streams, I found that watching Warframe's last week was a bit of...
No, you only sort of count.

Warframe of Mind: So why didn’t Warframe’s open world areas work?

So I've talked a lot about ideas in this column over the past few weeks, but now I think it's time to start diving...
You were never enough.

Warframe of Mind: The day Warframe’s story broke me

I am not someone who is an easy mark for breaking down as a sobbing mess with a sad moment in a story, which is why it surprised me when Warframe made me sob with its storytelling. If you've ever thought it's a narrative-light game that's just space ninjas shooting weird dudes, this is a refutation of that.

Warframe of Mind: Here is how to actually get started in Warframe

Warframe has one of the best tutorial setups of all time. Seriously. The first mission is great, and it immediately throws you into a...
It's not supposed to make sense. But it also does.

Warframe of Mind: Appreciating the opaque nonsense of Warframe’s storytelling

Back in 2018, I played Warframe for the first time as part of Choose My Adventure, and I knew that it was going to...

Warframe of Mind: Partying like it’s 1999 at TennoCon 2024

TennoCon is always a hotbed of Warframe (and now Soulframe) reveals, from new frames and primes to skins to the next content drops. But...

TennoCon 2024: Music, motorbikes, and romance make Warframe 1999

It's the 1990s! We've heard of snips and snails and puppy dog tails, and sugar and spice and everything nice. But what is Warframe...

TennoCon 2024: Soulframe’s creative customization and a preview of preludes

With how much I am looking forward to the launch of Soulframe, you better believe I was eagerly anticipating seeing and hearing more about...

Warframe of Mind: The wonders of Whispers in the Walls, launching December 13

It's almost here! Warframe's anticipated Whispers in the Walls is launching tomorrow, and I'll finally get to delve in. After learning more about it...

Warframe of Mind: Reflections on TennoCon 2023 and Warframe’s 10 years of Tenno

TennoCon 2023 may be long over, but that doesn't mean it's out of mind. This year's convention was significant in a number of ways;...

Warframe’s Halloween-themed Abyss of Dagath cements 2023 as the year of creep

It is no secret how much I love Halloween, horror, and all things eerie and spooky, so learning about Warframe's next update Abyss of...

TennoCon 2023: The soul of Soulframe is healing, redemption, and cute critters

Last year's TennoCon introduced us to a tease of Digital Extreme's new upcoming game, Soulframe. Since then, MMO gamers - including me - have...

Warframe’s Whispers in the Walls adds new narrative, hub, and Tenno ‘skin’

What is TennoCon but the opportunity to debut something big for Warframe? Every year Digital Extremes introduces players to new and exciting content that's...

TennoCon 2023: Warframe 1999’s trailer goes back to the future

As with every TennoCon, Digital Extremes likes to tease players with a little blast of what will be featured at the next con. Of...

TennoCon 2023: At-a-glance TennoLive reveals for Warframe, Soulframe

TennoCon is always exciting with a number of things to do, but the highlight is always TennoLive, the big reveals that  happen live on...

TennoCon 2023: Warframe cross-save launches this year, mobile pre-orders are live

At TennoCon 2021, cross-platform play was first revealed for Warframe, though it was TennoCon 2022 that gave us the 2022 launch info. Cross-play arrived,...

Warframe of Mind: Fashion ‘Framing with Digital Extremes’ Megan Everett

With TennoCon 2023 just around the corner, it's hard for me to not think about the cool cosplay costumes that folks will be showing...