Tyler F.M. Edwards
First Impressions: Undermine(d) continues World of Warcraft’s winning streak
As my colleague Justin said in his piece on World of Warcraft's recent Undermine(d) patch, comedic content in MMOs can be divisive. I'm someone...
Not So Massively: Comparing the grinds of World of Warcraft and The First Descendant
Lately most of my gaming time has gone into two games: World of Warcraft and The First Descendant. They're both very grindy games, but...
The Soapbox: Difficulty is a means to an end in MMORPGs
A few weeks back, I took a peak into Corepunk's early access build, and I promptly got my ass kicked by even the most...
Not So Massively: Checking up on StarCraft II’s would-be successors
For some time now, MassivelyOP's Not So Massively column has been keeping an eye on the crop of upcoming real time strategy games that...
Vitae Aeternum: New World season 7 doubles down on punishing solo and casual players
When New World relaunched as Aeternum, I harshly criticized the changes made to endgame for making life much worse for casual and solo players,...
Not So Massively: What we’d like to see from a StarCraft shooter
According to the rumour mill, Blizzard is currently working on a shooter game in the StarCraft universe - again. By my counting this would...
Heroes of the Storm’s next patch brings back Brawls – permanently – after nearly five years
As has now become almost a regular habit, another patch has gone up the test realm for Heroes of the Storm, Blizzard's ostensibly maintenance-moded...
Not So Massively: Holidays in The First Descendant are truly the blurst of times
When I first tried The First Descendant, I hit a brick wall over the fact that I didn't enjoy playing the two freebie characters...
First Impressions: Corepunk offers equal parts charm and tedium
Corepunk's a game I've had on my radar for many years. It's suffered through many delays as its then-Ukrainian-based developers faced a level of...
Vitae Aeternum: New World’s Secret Level episode and Amazon’s odd priorities
Last week, Amazon's Prime Video launched its Secret Level anthology series of short animated episodes based on a variety of games. Included in this...
Vitae Aeternum: Analyzing New World’s 2025 ‘living roadmap’
Covering New World's new "living roadmap" for 2025 seems like something I should have gotten to sooner, but in my defence I've been battling...
Not So Massively: Deep-diving ZeroSpace’s factions and final thoughts on the beta
We've reached the third and final piece of Not So Massivey's extensive impressions from the recent open beta of multiplayer RTS ZeroSpace. In my...
Not So Massively: ZeroSpace’s MMO-inspired Galactic War and other PvE modes
Welcome to part two of Not So Massively's in-depth impressions of the recent open beta of multiplayer RTS ZeroSpace. In my first piece, I...
Not So Massively: The dizzying complexity of ZeroSpace’s beta
With Stormgate struggling off the bat and Immortal: Gates of Pyre turning to the blockchain dark side, ZeroSpace is looking like the last, best...
Multiplayer RTS titles ZeroSpace and Immortal Gates of Pyre plan public tests this weekend
This month, multiplayer RTS ZeroSpace moved from alpha to beta testing, and to celebrate, developer Starlance Studios will throw open the gates for a...
The Soapbox: The War Within is the best World of Warcraft’s endgame has ever been
When I delivered my first impressions of The War Within, I was full of praise for World of Warcraft's latest expansion, but I did...
Vitae Aeternum: How to fix New World Aeternum’s endgame with chase items and solo play
We're back with the second part of the Vitae Aeternum column's series on improving New World: Aeternum's endgame, with a special eye towards long...
Vitae Aeternum: How to fix New World Aeternum’s endgame with rewards and content relevance
New World is currently enjoying an influx of new players following the Aeternum update, but historically New World's struggle has not been attracting players...
Not So Massively: ZeroSpace is the last hope for multiplayer RTS fans
All right, that headline is a bit of hyperbole, but it does reflect how I'm feeling right now.
A bit over a year ago, I...
Vitae Aeternum: New World Aeternum leaves veterans, casuals, and PC players behind
The time has finally come. New World's semi-relaunch under the New World: Aeternum banner is here. Regular readers of this column will recall that...