Official Site: Alganon
Perfect Ten: 10 MMORPGs that came back from the dead
The fact that I loved Charlotte's Web as a child probably had some influence on my developing brain, but it does mean that I...
Perfect Ten: MMOs that earned a notorious reputation
Nobody wants a bad reputation. I mean, you can't make everyone everywhere approve of you, but you also don't have to go out of...
Betawatch: Palia’s layoffs, Ghost’s preview, Alganon’s revival
We aren't exactly thrilled with the way that Palia's development team has been dancing hither and yon around the title of beta recently, but...
Derek Smart’s Alganon is planning a 2025 relaunch following alpha this year
Derek Smart has been promising that Alganon is returning for years now, and it's finally happening, or at least it has a timeline for...
The MOP Up: Alganon shows its first signs of life in ages
Could we be hearing a heartbeat in the long-dormant Alganon? This past week, the official account announced that the website is back online and...
Perfect Ten: 10 MMO things you can just stop waiting for
Sooner or later we all have to face facts and accept that something we wanted at one point is never actually going to happen....
Perfect Ten: 10 MMOs you’ve already forgotten ever existed
Falling into obscurity and then being completely forgotten is the nightmare of any creative artist. This tragic scenario is compounded when it comes to...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 415: Don’t go into the Lightfall
Justin and Bree discuss LOTRO's update 36, Destiny 2's Lightfall, CCP's blockchain game, DDO's promo, Ship of Heroes on Steam, and the return of Alganon, with adventures in LOTRO, New World, WoW Classic, and City of Heroes, plus a pair of mailbag topics on AI tech in MMOs.
Derek Smart posts video for impending return of 14-year-old MMORPG Alganon
The story of Alganon has not always been a pretty one, as we've covered as far back as 2010, when a row started between...
End-of-Year Eleven: The top MMOs to watch in 2023
You know how some people like to push this narrative that "MMOs are dying?" If that were actually true, then my job to round...
Perfect Ten: 10 MMOs that went through complete technical clownshows
I've gone on record multiple times to state that when you get right down to it, MMOs look pretty darn complicated. There are a...
World of Warcraft Classic reconsiders earlier proposed changes to Wrath’s Ulduar raid
The devs and community council members of WoW Classic addressed several matters related to the upcoming Wrath of the Lich King expansion earlier in...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 386: Lord of Lord of the Rings Online
Justin and Bree discuss LOTRO's mini-expansion and IP rights, Dual Universe, Mad World, Wrath Classic's prepatch, Alganon's return, and Guild Wars 2's Steam launch, with adventures in LOTRO, CoH, SWGL, and RIFT, plus a mailbag question on Ultima Online New Legacy.
Derek Smart promises Alganon is returning in the coming months, but in a staggered invite-only release
Just yesterday we reported on fresh news out of the long-dormant Alganon, pointing out that the game's website came back online, while the game's...
Perfect Ten: 10 MMOs that took aim at World of Warcraft
The fact that we currently have a Big Five in the MMO space is a big change from not so long ago, when the...
Alganon’s website is back as Derek Smart explains the relaunch is coming very soon
Those who had long doubted if Alganon was ever coming back are now invited to eat crow, as it has... a website once again!...
Alganon’s Twitter account posts that Alganon is coming back
If you've forgotten about Alganon, well, we don't entirely blame you. The game has been having a bit of a lie-down for a while now;...
Whatever happened to Derek Smart’s Alganon?
Sit right back and I'll tell you a tale -- a tale of the most amazing MMORPG that took a trip to the convenience...
The MOP Up: Ultima Online plays Santa and hands out gifts
Ultima Online is really into gift giving this season, so head in and get yours before they're all gobbled up: "We wish to offer...
Perfect Ten: MMORPGs that would actually benefit from a Classic server
Here's the thing about having a classic server for a lot of MMORPGs: It doesn't actually do much. In order for a classic server...