asheron’s call

Official Site: Asheron’s Call
Studio: Turbine, Inc./Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Launch Date: November 2, 1999
Sunset Date: January 31, 2017
Genre: Classic Fantasy Sandbox
Business Model: B2P (Maintenance Mode, One-Time Fee)
Platform: PC
See Also: Asheron’s Call 2

MMO Hype Train: Rooting for Project Gorgon in light of tremendous loss

In a different timeline, I think I would've been one of those players who entered the MMO space through Asheron's Call. I remember going to...

Massively Overthinking: Rescuing the worst economies in the MMO genre

As a hardcore economy player in most of the MMOs I play, I pay a whole lot of attention to the health of the...

Massively Overthinking: Old zones vs. new zones in MMORPGs

I've been playing a lot of Lord of the Rings Online lately, in both very old zones from Moria and earlier and some of...

Massively Overthinking: The MMOs we wanted a decade ago

Back in May, MOP's Justin penned a fun blog piece on his Bio Break blog about the games he wanted all the way back...

Massively Overthinking: The times MMO developers admitted they were… wrong

Earlier in March, Jagex did the unthinkable for an MMORPG company: It admitted it was wrong about something. If you're used to the Blizzards...

Asheron’s Call rogue servers add playable Olthoi from the MMO’s 11th anniversary

One of Asheron's Call's most iconic entries in its fantasy bestiary is now playable (again). AsheronDB is reporting that ACE-compatible rogue servers added back...

Standing Stone Games’ executive producer says he’s ‘low-key angry’ he couldn’t save Asheron’s Call

Some former Asheron's Call fans might find wan solace in the fact that a former Turbine exec regrets the cult MMO's closure just as...

Massively Overthinking: The weirdest ways we’ve leveled in MMOs

One of my favor flavors of fluff post we do occasionally is report on folks who have accomplished fame by leveling "wrong" in MMOs,...

PSO2 New Genesis runs down Frozen Resolution features and additional updates landing in June

Yesterday saw Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis release another NGS Headline video, and as one might expect, it's all about this month's updates,...

Massively Overthinking: The MMO grudges we just can’t let go

Back in April, MMO Fallout's Connor and I had a lil tweet convo about grudges. He was joking that there will be aged gamers...
A cast

Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis unveils a spring event for March 6 and new high-level content for April 6

During its latest Headline broadcast, Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis unveiled some new content heading to the game in the months of March...

Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis kicks off its first world trial with the Stellar Grace Recovery Operation

It's not running around the open world of Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis collecting stuff to get a temporary buff, it's a "world...

Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis’ ‘major’ Sandstorm Requiem content update is live today

Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis now have something new to do beyond spend AC on Scratch Tickets. Yesterday saw the game's sizeable Sandstorm...

Asheron’s Call emulation is alive and well as its plugin framework just got a big update

Asheron's Call fans are in for a treat today! Readers will recall that the original and beloved Asheron's Call launched 22 years ago this...

Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis’ recent patch lets you try to dress like a fancy goldfish

Who hasn't wanted to be a goldfish? Swimming around in a tank, forgetting things that happened a few seconds ago, with nothing to look...

Massively Overthinking: Our favorite MMORPGs of all time, 2021 edition

Five years ago this week - back in 2016 - the MOP team and readers did an epic Massively Overthinking picking out their top...
I'll be gone soon.

Massively Overthinking: MMO ideas that were ahead of their time

I'm gonna say something wild right now: In some ways, CliffyB was ahead of his time. My husband and I came to this realization...

Massively Overthinking: What’s your favorite type of MMORPG raid?

Raiding is one of those very simple MMO concepts that has somehow become a contentious one in the broader discourse. A "raid" in MMO...
Eat it, eat it, put it in your mouth and eat it.

Massively Overthinking: The curious cycle of MMO refunds, tutorials, and reviews

MOP reader Steve recently posed us an intriguing question about the state of tutorials in MMOs and other games - and how those tutorials'...

Massively Overthinking: What’s your favorite MMO house of all time?

You folks know I love MMO housing systems, and in fact, we've been crowning the MMOs with the best housing systems for years. But...