
LOTRO Legendarium: The great server transfer nightmare of 2025

Can I be real with you right now? I really don't want to write this column. I wish I didn't have to, not just...

The Daily Grind: Is the MOBA genre in a period of stagnation?

With SMITE 2 trying to muscle (back) into the MOBA space, it made me really think about that genre's state in 2025. Once the...

Massively on the Go: Niantic games under Scopely may not be so bad, actually

In case you missed the news, Pokemon GO's Niantic has finally confirmed that it is indeed offloading its games to Scopely. Oddly enough, it...

MMO Hype Train: Why are Monsters & Memories’ vibes so intriguing?

What attracts you to an upcoming MMORPG project? There are a few factors in my mind that result in a rather quick assessment of...
going so fast like a... whatever

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG deserves its own TV series?

Way back in January, Square-Enix's Yoshinori Kitase teased that he would "would love to see something come out of creators in terms of...

Not So Massively: Comparing the grinds of World of Warcraft and The First Descendant

Lately most of my gaming time has gone into two games: World of Warcraft and The First Descendant. They're both very grindy games, but...
It's perfect, ship it.

Vague Patch Notes: Learning to hate the MMORPGs you love

I had to teach myself how to hate Star Trek Online. It didn't come naturally to me. If you've read the stuff that I've written...
Space needed.

The Daily Grind: What’s the most painful cosmetic choice you’ve made in an MMORPG?

So there I was in Final Fantasy XI wearing sub-par gear because it looked better. This was in 2004, meaning it was well before...
And on and on and on...

Perfect Ten: The strangest weapons you wind up using in MMORPGs

Human beings have been using things as weapons for about as long as human beings have had hands and needed to hit stuff. That's...

The Daily Grind: Do you engage in world chat in MMOs?

World chat (or global chat) is laden with a reputation it can't shake. Awful, uncomfortable discussions? Trollish behavior? Dank memes and antique running jokes...

Choose My Adventure: A class switch reignites the combat chops of Blade & Soul NEO

It was touch and go there for a little while, but man am I glad that the voting for Blade & Soul NEO went...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Previewing Guild Wars 2 Janthir Wilds’ latest episode, Repentance

Repent! For the penultimate update to Guild Wars 2's Janthir Wilds expansion is at hand! We are at the midpoint of this expansion's continuing story...

The Daily Grind: Are virtual reality MMOs ever coming back?

Back in February, we covered the unfortunate news that OrbusVR, one of the very first serious MMORPGs in the VR space, was throwing in...
Trans rights city.

Wisdom of Nym: Completely unlikely theories for the future of Final Fantasy XIV stories

I frequently like to make predictions for the future of Final Fantasy XIV that seem reasonable and make logical sense. I'd say "that's kind...

The Daily Grind: Are you still a fan of tab-target MMOs in 2025?

Throne and Liberty is unusual in the MMO space because NCsoft baked in two very different methods for playing the game: an action-oriented system...

Why I Play: Splatoon 3 – 2025 edition

When I first reviewed the original Splatoon, I noted that Nintendo didn't "get" online play yet but had instead created a game that did well...
Well, you'll go bananas... ON THE MOON!

The Daily Grind: What are you scared about for your favorite MMOs?

I am not really involved with the recent drama around Lord of the Rings Online's server transfers, but the situation really does seem to...

Massively on the Go: Pokemon Go’s Unova Tour was functional but no fun

Pokemon GO's just announced the next Go Fest, but the recent Unova Tour LA Tour and now the Global Tour have both recently concluded,...
Shoot to wound!

The Daily Grind: Would a Star Wars The Old Republic progression server work?

A few years ago, it seemed like progression servers were all the rage in MMOs. And why not? They're a great way to revisit...

LOTRO Legendarium: The forging of new communities in LOTRO’s great server migration

As I write this, it's Tuesday morning, and we are well underway in what I'm calling the Great Server Migration of 2025 in Lord...