en masse

See: En Masse Entertainment

MMO Business Roundup: Olympic esports, Unity layoffs, and Krafton Q4 2024 financials

Welcome back for a quick roundup of some of the MMO and MMO-adjacent industry news bits from the week! Esports: If for some reason you...

Massively on the Go: Pokemon GO’s February shows a little love

Pokemon Go's Dual Destiny season trudges on in February, though there is at least some reasonable progress being made in terms of "getting" the playerbase....

TERA Console begins its quest to lower mid and low-level dungeon difficulty in latest patch

For many PvE MMORPGs, dungeon running is a part of the experience, but if that experience is too frustrating and difficult to manage (especially...

End-of-Year Eleven: All the upcoming MMOs to watch in 2025 and beyond

As we turn the page on another fascinating year of MMORPG history, we cross into fresh territory. What lies ahead? Surprises, disappointments, and endless...

Massively on the Go: Pokemon GO’s January dough

Pokemon Go's Dual Destiny season continues in January, and Niantic's starting the year with some new(ish) pokemon it's teasing. Some are genuinely new, like Fidough,...

Vague Patch Notes: MMORPG accelerationism is a stupid sucker’s game

The most recent Warframe update starts with a solid chunk of story, and the story that it tells is that of a time loop....

TERA Console patches in the ‘ultimate challenge’ of the 10-player Kelsaik’s Raid

TERA Console's continued existence makes for both heartening and unsettling feelings for those who carried a torch for the PC version, but at least...

MMO Business Roundup: NetEase stocks dip over internal fraud and corruption investigation

Welcome back to another roundup of MMO and MMO-adjacent business news. This edition is all about money, baby. Well, quarterly financials, anyhow. And also...

TERA Console’s October patch opens a new dungeon and activates Halloween

The first update since August's new screenshot mode patch arrived for TERA Console this week, opening up a new dungeon and welcoming players to...

TERA Console updates with Season 14, new dungeons, and class balance

TERA Console wrapped up August with a new update this week, bringing Patch 118.01 to the servers. Players can expect to find the debut...

TERA Console releases a balance patch that seeks to enhance class individuality

Most of the time when MMO gamers see the words "balance patch," they likely envision a planar saw smoothing every class into a flat,...

TERA Console pushes out a new battle pass and Sorcerer buffs

TERA is dead -- long live TERA Console? We suppose it's better than nothing, but every time news about the Xbox or PlayStation version...

TERA is celebrating its sixth anniversary… on console, that is, because PC is still dead

Did you forget TERA was still alive? On console, anyway. The game's latest update opens the Draakon Arena dungeon in regular and hard mode,...
Hey guy.

Vague Patch Notes: Game preservation is way more complicated than it seems

Before I say anything with this week's article, I want to make something very, very clear right from the premise: As you have probably...

TERA Console launches its newest battle pass, balances classes, and makes quality-of-life changes

TERA Console is still swimming along in the wake of its closed PC sibling: The MMORPG has released another update this week that arguably...

Q4 2023: Nexon, Krafton, and Roblox all posted soaring revenues in 2023

Welcome back to another MMO business roundup - this one all about financials for some of the companies we keep an eye on 'round...
Here I am, stuck in the middle with whatever this is.

TERA Console introduces a new buff-granting card collection system in latest patch

Do you feel more powerful when you look at a collectible card? That's probably wildly subjective, but in the case of player characters in...

Massively Overthinking: The slowest and fastest combat in MMORPGs

During a recent podcast discussion about City of Heroes' official revival, the MOP writers were talking about its combat, which - let's be honest...

The best MassivelyOP community Daily Grinds of 2023

This traditional roundup of the best Daily Grinds of the year is actually one of my favorites because it demonstrates just how long we've...

The Daily Grind: What was the most painful MMO sunset of 2023?

At the end of the year, I always start rounding up things like patches and dramas, and that always means sunsets too. Last year,...