eternal tombs
Eternal Tombs releases in-game maps, promises a full launch with no early access
The most recent update post from Eternal Tombs, Triune Studios' "hardcore" MMORPG that hangs its hat on having live game masters running events, is...
MMO Hype Train: The odd allure of Eternal Tombs’ live game masters
For a lot of MMORPG players, there are certain keywords that prove to be deal-breakers if we hear them in conjunction to an upcoming...
Hardcore MMO Eternal Tombs gives you the option to use maps – or to explore blindly
Here's a really interesting question: Would you ever play an MMO without a map, choosing to draw your own or have the game fill...
Eternal Tombs shares a two-minute progress video and promises ‘huge’ news for 2025
When you've been out of touch with a developing MMO project for a while, sometimes all you want is a quick summary to get...
End-of-Year Eleven: All the upcoming MMOs to watch in 2025 and beyond
As we turn the page on another fascinating year of MMORPG history, we cross into fresh territory. What lies ahead? Surprises, disappointments, and endless...
Betawatch: Corepunk finally launched into early access this week
Are you sufficiently punk at your core? If not, you may not be allowed to play Corepunk because that's kind of the whole thing...
Eternal Tombs celebrates 5000 testers for the year, readies more new zones for early 2025
Eternal Tombs, the developing sandbox MMORPG that leans on the use of GMs to launch in-game events, is wrapping up what it's calling a...
Betawatch: Brighter Shores is really launching in November after one last beta
You should get your whites whiter and your shores brighter when Brighter Shores goes into testing in late October ahead of a full release...
Eternal Tombs ramps up interest for its October pre-alpha test
After a few weeks off, Eternal Tombs' pre-alpha testing is preparing for another run in mid-October. The hardcore MMO with specialized GM-activated events announced...
Eternal Tombs extends its pre-alpha for another two days or ‘until the wheels fall off’
The self-described hardcore MMORPG Eternal Tombs would very much like people to bum rush its servers and set them aflame. The pre-alpha test that...
Eternal Tombs schedules its next pre-alpha test for September 11th
Surfacing after a month-and-a-half of radio silence, hardcore MMO Eternal Tombs announced that it's holding its next pre-alpha test next week on September 11th.
Eternal Tombs aims to bring its uncompromising gameplay to the public this fall
If Eternal Tombs, the hardcore MMO with live GM events, is going to make its goal of a 2025 launch, you'd expect to be...
Eternal Tombs shares a teaser trailer for its next test, resolves to make it ‘the best MMORPG possible’
We're reasonably sure that no studio wants to make a terrible game (and if it does, then it might want to stop making games),...
The MOP Up: Conan Exiles celebrates its sixth anniversary
Who's spent six years crushing enemies, driving them out of camps, and hearing the lamentation of their livestreams? It's Conan Exiles, of course, which...
Betawatch: Palia’s layoffs, Ghost’s preview, Alganon’s revival
We aren't exactly thrilled with the way that Palia's development team has been dancing hither and yon around the title of beta recently, but...
Eternal Tombs opens a one-day playtest on Steam – here’s how to get in and play
Eternal Tombs - the MMO formerly known as War of Dragnorox and currently known as the MMO that's trying to bring back a new...
Eternal Tombs, the MMO with live GMs, preps for its closed beta in April
In less than two weeks, Eternal Tombs will be hosting its first publicly accessible playtest -- and Triune Studios wants to set proper expectations...
Eternal Tombs fka War of Dragnorox announces a closed beta test for April
With its eyes set on a 2025 launch, upcoming MMO Eternal Tombs has a lot of territory to cover for the rest of this...
Eternal Tombs teases its magic systems with a new video
With a steely eye cast toward a 2025 launch for Eternal Tombs (fka War of Dragnorox), Triune Studios needs to make sure that every...
Hardcore MMO Eternal Tombs says it’s pushing hard for a 2025 launch
If Eternal Tombs has flown under your radar up until now, perhaps it's time to pay closer attention. Not only does this tough MMO...