Official Site: Istaria: Chronicles of the Gifted (fka Horizons)
Studio: Virtrium LLC
Launch Date: December 9, 2003
Genre: Fantasy Sandpark
Platform: PC
Istaria’s 2025 roadmap includes finally finishing ‘Mahiel the Pure’ epic story
Late last month, Istaria (aka Horizons) posted a 2025 roadmap for the decades-old MMORPG, saying that it managed to get out two sizable content...
20-year-old MMORPG Istaria processes its massive combat overhaul and Year of the Dragon plans
The classic MMORPG Istaria: Chronicles of the Gifted (aka Horizons) has made it to 20 years of operation, which would lead one to think...
Classic MMO Istaria Chronicles of the Gifted (aka Horizons) celebrates 20 years of operation with new video
Istaria: Chronicles of the Gifted aka Horizons is the classic MMORPG that keeps on truckin' even though it flies below most genre fans' radars;...
The Daily Grind: Which MMOs could really use a PvP or PvE spectator mode?
Earlier this summer, MOP reader Stormsong Minstrel accidentally reminded me of a mechanic from classic Guild Wars that I shouldn't miss but do anyway....
Whatever happened to Eco, Odd Giants (Glitch), and Istaria?
Welcome back to Whatever Happened To, our intermittent check-in on MMOs that may have fallen off your - and our - radar!
Odd Giants
Odd Giants...
Why I Play: Pokemon Go (and why I shouldn’t)
I won't lie: Many, many problems with Niantic often cause me to re-evaluate why I continue to play Pokemon GO, especially in recent weeks....
Massively Overthinking: How to alienate your MMORPG playerbase
I am not a Pokemon Go player, but I can't help but stare at its many trainwrecks thanks to the detailed coverage of our...
Massively Overthinking: What MMORPG content requires the most skill – and why?
Back in January, there was an inflammatory thread on the MMORPG subreddit that argued that anyone using rotation mods in endgame MMO content was...
Massively Overthinking: The best cooking in MMORPGs
You probably thought tonight's Massively Overthinking would have a gratitude theme, what with the holiday and all. Nope, not this time, although it's sort...
Massively Overthinking: Have you ever returned to an old MMO and fallen in love?
Earlier this month, MOP's Eliot penned a WoW Factor that doesn't quote but certainly does evoke the ol' Heraclitus quote about how you cannot...
Massively Overthinking: The weirdest ways we’ve leveled in MMOs
One of my favor flavors of fluff post we do occasionally is report on folks who have accomplished fame by leveling "wrong" in MMOs,...
Massively Overthinking: Who’s really paying for MMOs?
Two years ago, we did a piece on dark patterns in MMO design, and in the comments, a reader named Shadex De'Marr penned a...
Massively Overthinking: Making money in MMOs – easy, hard, or in-between?
A few days ago, I was hanging out in a certain MMORPG's Discord when an age-old class fight broke out - and I don't...
Massively Overthinking: The MMO grudges we just can’t let go
Back in April, MMO Fallout's Connor and I had a lil tweet convo about grudges. He was joking that there will be aged gamers...
Massively Overthinking: The WoW Dragonflight and Wrath Classic roundtable
So this week's Massively Overthinking is going to cautiously stick a paw into the beehive of World of Warcraft, thanks to the reveal of...
Massively Overthinking: How long should MMO expansions be?
Star Wars The Old Republic's Legacy of the Sith struggled for many reasons, but the one I've seen echoed over and over is that...
Massively Overthinking: How hard should MMOs be?
This past summer, MMO dev Damion Schubert posted an epic tweet-thread about MMOs; in fact, we've already dipped into the part on "load-bearing" playerbases,...
Massively Overthinking: Our favorite MMORPGs of all time, 2021 edition
Five years ago this week - back in 2016 - the MOP team and readers did an epic Massively Overthinking picking out their top...
Perfect Ten: The top 10 non-traditional MMO fantasy races
Elves. Dwarves. Humans. Halflings. Gnomes. Hobbits. Dark elves. High elves. Half-elves. Wood elves. Keebler elves. Elvish impersonators.
Are you as tired as I am of...
Massively Overthinking: Which of the summer MMO launches captured your time and attention?
OK folks: We're in the thick of summer now, a summer that's seen an endless parade of MMO launches, mobile ports, expansions, classic servers,...