legends of runeterra

Riot’s Project K is a League of Legends physical trading card game

Last week, Riot Games revealed one of its formerly secret projects, which ended up being a physical League of Legends trading card game. Code-named...
Yes, more than this.

The MOP Up: Stardew Valley’s secret mobile multiplayer mode

Stardew Valley developer Concerned Ape confirmed that the latest update added a "secret, experimental mobile multiplayer feature" for Android and iOS with the caveats...

The MOP Up: Ethyrial adds guilds and guild leveling

We'll start today's leftover news roundup with the word that Ethyrial: Echoes of Yore added guilds with Patch 3.2.2! "They can be created for the...

The MOP Up: EverQuest II levels up its Roehn Theer raid

An old favorite raid of EverQuest II is about to get an upgrade for the Year of Darkpaw. Daybreak announced that the Celebration Avatar Challenge:...

The MOP Up: Grim Dawn spices up the endgame with a new mode

OARPG Grim Dawn's third expansion is on the way with a brand-new game mode that should inject some extended life for its playerbase: "Ascendant Mode...
Well, points for effort.

Vague Patch Notes: Why in the world do you want the Riot MMO to be a thing?

Let's make something clear right up front: If you came into this column eager to head for the comments section to say, "Well, I...

The MOP Up: War Thunder banned almost 10000 bots since the start of 2024

Bye bye, War Thunder bots! "Over the last month, we’ve blocked 9,569 accounts that were found to be in violation of the rules," Gaijin...

Riot Games laid off over 500 people last night, and no we don’t know what it means for the Riot MMO

Riot Games is joining the seemingly endless list of game studios continuing to dump workers overboard: Last night, the company announced it is shedding...

The MOP Up: Wakfu’s server headache

Wakfu said that its Ogrest server stopped working properly for a day, causing all sorts of data management headaches and a two-hour rollback. "At 0:39...

The MOP Up: Alganon shows its first signs of life in ages

Could we be hearing a heartbeat in the long-dormant Alganon? This past week, the official account announced that the website is back online and...

Not So Massively: Eternal Card Game’s gauntlet problem

A little over a year ago, I discovered digital CCG Eternal Card Game and sung the praises of its robust solo content. Since then...

The MOP Up: Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader adds multiplayer coop

Turn-based CRPG Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader announced that it will be including coop multiplayer with its PC launch (there is no date yet set,...
Less than inspirational!

The MOP Up: EVE Online’s Fanfest has officially sold out

Well, that's it: EVE Online's Fanfest is officially sold out this year, so if you were hoping to snag a ticket at this late...

The MOP Up: AdventureQuest 3D players spend five billion gold… in a weekend

A recent gold boost event led to a record-breaking level of transactions in AdventureQuest 3D as players splurged on augments. "This was a new record...

The MOP Up: Destiny 2 will compensate fan whose art was misappropriated for a cutscene

Bungie has major egg on its face after a recent Destiny 2 cutscene was found to have copied fan art from a couple of...

The MOP Up: Hearthstone welcomes the Year of the Wolf

The Year of the Wolf is coming to Hearthstone: "Throughout the Year of the Wolf, we’ll be focusing our efforts on making Hearthstone and...

The MOP Up: SWTOR gets swoopy and plaguey in March

Star Wars: The Old Republic may not have a big patch coming out this month, but the MMO does have a couple of events...

Legends of Runeterra promises quarterly releases in 2023 with new champions, modes, and features

"As a small team of passionate developers, we have been taking your requests for more content with more consistency seriously," opens part of a...

Riot’s lawsuit against League of Legends copycat is tossed, Legends of Runeterra previews 2023

We have a pair of headlines coming out of Riot Games in this story. We'll start off with the latest on a May lawsuit...

The MOP Up: Fallout 76’s robots want you to look as dorky as you can be

A recent patch for Fallout 76 concentrated on fixing bugs, such as resetting weekly expedition rewards, adjusting several quest issues, improving the Atomic Shop,...