
Official Site: Mabinogi
Studio: Nexon
Launch Date: March 27, 2008 (NA); June 22, 2004 (KR)
Genre: Fantasy Sandbox
Business Model: Hybrid F2P (Regional Optional Sub, Cash Shop)
Platform: PC

Nexon Q4 2024: MapleStory and MapleStory Worlds offset FC and The First Descendant’s shortfalls

Ladies and gentlebeings, I give you the latest contender for Mystery Chart of 2025! It's Nexon's growth chart for Q4 2024, which seems to...

Mabinogi Mobile gets a March 27 release date for Korean fans on PC and mobile

Who's ready for more Mabinogi? Because that's what you're getting if you live in South Korea anyway, as Mabinogi Mobile has officially gotten a...

Mabinogi adds the Astrologer skills to its lineup with the first part of the Astrologer update

In real life, astrology is the art of putting together a sequence of words that sound generically flattering and advise people to avoid doing...

Mabinogi brings a celestial scythe-wielding new class in its December 12 Astrologer update

What do reading the stars and swinging a scythe have in common? They're the tools of the trade for the upcoming Astrologer class that...

G-Star 2024: Nexon teases Supervive, Project Overkill, and Arc Raiders as it celebrates its 30th birthday

Nexon brought its A-game to G-Star 2024 in Busan, South Korea, and by A-game, we really mean its whole game because the company has...

Nexon Q3 2024: DNF Mobile and MapleStory propel Nexon to record-high revenues

Nexon is celebrating its Q3 2024 financials this week - and we do mean celebrating, as the company claimed "record-breaking quarterly revenue" of ¥135.6B...

Mabinogi adds a new primeval winter difficulty for its Glenn Bearna boss fight

What's colder than cold? Primeval winter, clearly. That's the presumption being made for the headline feature of Mabinogi's most recent update, which introduced the...

Nexon’s MapleFest and Next On tease MapleStory’s Dark Ride, Mabinogi UE5, Nakwon Last Paradise, and more

Nexon has been busy hyping its MMOs this week with both MapleStory Fest and its Next On event, so let's dig in! MapleStory Fest, which...

Mabinogi introduces new high-tier missions for crafters and readies next commerce season

What do you do when you're the top of the mountain as a crafter in Mabinogi? You find a new mountain to climb, that's...

Vindictus revamped eight of its 25 playable characters in this week’s patch

I'm always surprised and pleased to see that Vindictus must still be making money as Nexon is still cranking out updates for the 14-year-old...

Mabinogi celebrates 20 years with an in-person event in Korea as the western version shares a roadmap

Mabinogi crossed the major 20-year milestone earlier this week, which is obviously cause to celebrate across the globe, but the biggest party happened at...

Nexon Q2 2024: Dungeon & Fighter Mobile drives a record financial quarter

The parade of financial reports continues this afternoon with Nexon's Q2 2024, which saw record revenues for the gaming company thanks to Chinese mobile...

Mabinogi’s next update grants players an island village to settle and spruce up

Nexon is talking up Mabinogi's next update, launching next week: It's the second part of its chapter 8 Winds of Fate release, but don't...

Mabinogi confirms July 11 and August 8 launch dates for its two-part Winds of Fate update

The Winds of Fate are blowing across Mabinogi. Or at least they're scheduled to blow, specifically on Thursday, July 11th, and Thursday, August 8th,...

Mabinogi’s May patch smooths out dungeon difficulty and increases inventory stacks

All right class, who here remembers Mabinogi? You know, that Welsh-themed fantasy MMO that your one friend always raved about back in the day...

Mabinogi’s latest quality-of-life update lets players enjoy minigames anywhere

The month of April is all about quality-of-life improvements for players of Mabinogi, as the game's most recent patch has offered several things to...

Mabinogi’s Festival of Stars celebrates 16 years with quests, minigames, and pretty cosmetics

It's the 16th anniversary of Mabinogi, and players are invited to celebrate the occasion with the recently launched Festival of Stars, which offers up...

Mabinogi outlines plans for 16th anniversary, combat tweaks, and a new ‘unique lifestyle space’

Mabinogi has a whole lot of plans for this year above and beyond its upgrade to Unreal Engine 5. The MMORPG's latest producer's letter...

Mabinogi opens a new microsite that details the MMO’s upgrade to Unreal Engine 5

Unreal Engine 5 seems to be the bees knees among game devs, especially those who are looking to upgrade their existing games to the...

The MOP Up: World of Warcraft wraps up Dragonflight’s esports tournaments

The final esports tournaments for World of Warcraft's Dragonflight era are coming in the first part of 2024, with the Arena World Championship taking...