puzzle pirates

Official Site: Puzzle Pirates
Studio: Grey Havens, LLC
Launch Date: December 8, 2003
Genre: Fantasy puzzle MMO
Business Model: F2P
Platform: PC, Mobile

The Game Archaeologist’s ultimate MMO archives, 2024 edition

While MMORPGs constitute a shifting, ever-evolving market, their history remains surprisingly evergreen. That's what history is: Facts and stories stamped and preserved for our...
Something fell.

The Game Archaeologist’s ultimate MMO archives v7.0

Once again we put a wrap on another year of MMORPG news, opinions, and -- most pertinent to this column -- history. In a...

Talk Like a Pirate Day around the MMO world, 2023 edition

When the internet was younger, Talk Like a Pirate Day was a huge event, the kind of harmless fun every brand and MMO got...

The Game Archaeologist’s ultimate MMO archives v6.0

And that's a wrap on this year in history! While everyone says farewell to 2022, here at TGA we're always looking way back at...

The Daily Grind: Has a pirate MMO ever appealed to you?

With Ubisoft's long-delayed Skull and Bones finally arriving this November, gamers will enjoy yet another option to get their pirate fix -- if, indeed,...
It's an old deck, I swear.

Perfect Ten: Genuinely fun MMO minigames

Few people are without opinions on minigames in MMOs. Some love 'em, some hate 'em, and some just ignore 'em. Some even despise that...

The Game Archaeologist’s ultimate MMO archives v5.0

It has been another thrilling year of exploring the relatively unknown or forgotten lands of MMORPG history here in The Game Archaeologist. From projects...

The Game Archaeologist’s ultimate MMO archives v4.0

By far, my favorite column to write here at Massively OP (and the one that always takes the longest) is The Game Archaeologist. I've...

The Game Archaeologist’s ultimate MMO archives v3.0

Behind history are people and stories, some of them well-known and some of them obscure. It has been my mission in The Game Archaeologist...

Perfect Ten: MMOs for puzzle lovers

Ever find yourself complaining that all of the PvE content in your MMO is nothing but shooting something in the face or chopping down...
This was once controversial!

The Game Archaeologist’s ultimate MMO archives v2.0

While The Game Archaeologist columns take up the most time of any project I do here at Massively OP, I absolutely love doing them...

Arr! Puzzle Pirates: Dark Seas has fully launched on Steam

Arrrr! If Sea of Thieves isn't doing it for you, maybe you should board a more classic ship, like Puzzle Pirates - specifically, Puzzle...

Whatever happened to Pirates of the Burning Sea, Pirates of the Caribbean Online, and Puzzle Pirates?

Ever pause during your day and find yourself wondering, “Whatever happened to that game?” With hundreds upon hundreds of online titles these days, it’s surprisingly easy...

The ultimate guide to The Game Archaeologist’s MMO archives

When we moved over here to Massively Overpowered, some of us transplanted our long-running columns to the new space. I perhaps felt most devastated...

Puzzle Pirates: Dark Seas server goes into early access

Every voyage has a beginning, and for Puzzle Pirates' newest server, the maiden voyage began this past week. It's called Dark Seas, and it's a...

Puzzle Pirates sails into the Dark Seas

Fourteen years into its quirky voyages, Puzzle Pirates still hasn't exhausted unknown ports of call. The MMO announced this week that it is starting...

Perfect Ten: MMORPGs that walk on the weird side

In third grade, my teacher sent home a report card with the note that "Justin is wonderfully strange." Ever since then, I never found the...

The Game Archaeologist: Middle-earth Online

I suppose there will always be a special place in my heart for Lord of the Rings Online. Not only is it one of...

The Game Archaeologist: Puzzle Pirates

Up until this point in my life, Puzzle Pirates has always been that "Oh yeah, that actually exists!" game to me. Even when I...

Spiral Knights, Puzzle Pirates to be preserved by former devs’ new company

Fans of tiny older MMORPGs on the verge of extinction have cause for a bit of celebration this spring: A new patch to five-year-old...