square enix

There was no time to design an interesting set of tome gear.

Final Fantasy XIV’s Seekers of Eternity releases on March 25

It's not long until Final Fantasy XIV's next major patch arrives according to the most recent live letter from producer and director Naoki Yoshida....

The Steam spring sale is upon us with deals on MMOs from New World Aeternum to Pantheon

Is it actually spring? No. But do you actually need an excuse for a Steam sale? Also no! But that's exactly what we got...
going so fast like a... whatever

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG deserves its own TV series?

Way back in January, Square-Enix's Yoshinori Kitase teased that he would "would love to see something come out of creators in terms of...

Massively Overthinking: Toxic positivity in the land of MMORPGs

As I type this, we've been watching the Lord of the Rings Online transfer situation unfold for over a week now, and I've personally...
And on and on and on...

Perfect Ten: The strangest weapons you wind up using in MMORPGs

Human beings have been using things as weapons for about as long as human beings have had hands and needed to hit stuff. That's...
This is the face of giving a damn.

Final Fantasy XI moves its Limbus items over to Curio Moogles with its newest update

The mog houses in Final Fantasy XI already seem a bit as if they're stashed off in a back alley of the main cities,...
Trans rights city.

Wisdom of Nym: Completely unlikely theories for the future of Final Fantasy XIV stories

I frequently like to make predictions for the future of Final Fantasy XIV that seem reasonable and make logical sense. I'd say "that's kind...

Storyboard: How do you roleplay in MMOs that don’t want you to roleplay?

Readers, I am about to blow your minds. Are you ready to have your minds absolutely blown? It's going to be a huge shock,...

Final Fantasy XIV rolls out the Seekers of Eternity site with new hints of story

Fans of Final Fantasy XIV have to wait until next week to get another letter from producer and director Naoki Yoshida outlining details regarding...

Final Fantasy XIV’s Naoki Yoshida is no longer on Square-Enix’s board of directors – which he wanted to leave already

So normally when we post about someone no longer holding a position within a company, that is a cause for some consternation or perhaps...
Grave import.

Final Fantasy XI looks forward to extended maintenance while delaying its race change feature

As a general rule of thumb, "extended maintenance" and "we're delaying a major feature" are not things you want to see in a patch...
It's not that weather here!

Wisdom of Nym: Why are Final Fantasy XIV’s event quests getting worse?

As I write this, I am looking forward to the Little Ladies' Day event in Final Fantasy XIV... or more specifically, I am looking...

One Shots: How to potty train your dragon

Think you have it rough raising a miniature human or juvenile feline or canine? Just try finding fireproof diapers and charred formula for a...
Actually developing a title to not be a boring slog is a skill some developers have yet to master.

Perfect Ten: MMORPG adaptations we’re never getting that I would love to get

One of the things that makes Design Mockument interesting, as a column, is that it is in part a place for me to spitball...
You don't get a cool outfit, Thancred. Not now, not ever.

Final Fantasy XIV previews the upcoming Little Ladies’ Day with a killer outfit reward

The annual Little Ladies' Day event in Final Fantasy XIV has nearly arrived once more, and this time you're not dressing up a doll...

Final Fantasy XIV lifts weekly reward locks for its recent raid, tweaks PvP abilities, and hands out a free camera emote

Today is a good day in Final Fantasy XIV if you were trying to get your gear from the AAC Light-heavyweight raid, hoping for...

Final Fantasy XIV confirms the return of previous PvP rewards and preps open PvP tournaments

Our own Eliot condensed much of the patch 7.2 content updates coming for Final Fantasy XIV in late March, but those who were waiting...
He seems happy.

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV is running out of Final Fantasy

It wasn't so long ago that I did a series of columns talking about the many, many references in Final Fantasy XIV to date,...

The Stream Team: Final Fantasy XIV’s Yuweyawata Field Station and other dungeons

MOP's Chris and his crew are once again coming face-first into some of Final Fantasy XIV's dungeons together. This time around, one of the...

Final Fantasy XIV brings back the Moogle Treasure Trove once more ahead of patch 7.2

If you ever find yourself thinking that you have nothing to do at the moment in Final Fantasy XIV you are unconsciously summoning the...