star stable

Official Site: Star Stable


Storyboard: How do you roleplay in MMOs that don’t want you to roleplay?

Readers, I am about to blow your minds. Are you ready to have your minds absolutely blown? It's going to be a huge shock,...
honsing around

Equestrian MMO Star Stable counts 25M registered users as it finally lands on Android

I know it's 2023, and the trend of launching a mobile client for a game for iOS but not Android seems like a distant...

The Perfect Ten: 10 MMOs and online worlds with super cozy vibes

In this age of increased anxiety and friction, there's a natural desire to retreat into safe spaces. And yet not all of us have...

Star Stable dates its Rainbow Festival, new and returning races, and updated character creator in June

June is looking to be a pretty full month for players of Star Stable, with the game sharing several content release dates that feature...

The Daily Grind: Which MMOs have gotten too grim and dark?

While we expect grimdark themes in certain MMOs -- such as Secret World, Mad World, or Star Stable -- even the most light-hearted among...

Star Stable’s winter event promises returning activities and new quests

Winter is coming to Jorvik as Star Stable is preparing for the return of its seasonal festivities from Wednesday, December 7th, to Tuesday, January...

Star Stable calls Halloween’s soul shards a way to give players the power of choice, but fans largely disagree

Last month, the online horse game Star Stable was among the many MMOs that held a Halloween event that added a bunch of spooky...

Star Stable brings back its four week-long Halloween festival tomorrow

Are you ready to get spooked on horseback? Then you're ready for Star Stable's returning Halloween event, which promises four weeks of seasonal fun...

Star Stable launches new charity initiative to counter negative ‘horse girl’ stereotypes

A few weeks back I joked on the MOP podcast that I'm a secret horse girl, and it's true in real life and in...

Star Stable shows off an updated and more diverse character creator arriving in a September beta

While character creation is always an opportunity to put on a totally different look to your real-life appearance, there's also value in seeing yourself...

Star Stable prances, gallops, and canters onto the Epic Game Store

Maybe you were too dazzled by the shining manes and hoofbeats of Star Stable to realize this, but until recently, the equestrian MMORPG was...
honsing around

Star Stable is pulling GameGuard from the game after three weeks

If for some reason you were unaware of this fact, Star Stable is a game about horses in which you play with horses and...

The MOP Up: Star Stable gets into the toymaking business

If you're part of the roundup of Star Stable faithful, you may be interested to hear that the Swedish studio just signed a deal...
Oh dear.

Vague Patch Notes: Mobile MMOs, free-to-play MMOs, and the path of microtransactions

When I first started playing Magic: the Gathering, Revised was the new hotness and I got used to the idea that Serra Angel was...

Star Stable celebrates over 1B in-game races and 10 years of operation with the Equestrian Festival 2022

Players of Star Stable have participated in over 1 billion races while the horse-centric MMO has been online for 10 years. Those numbers are...

Global Chat: How is the actual story of SWTOR’s Legacy of the Sith?

To kick off this week's parade of MMO essays by bloggers in the virtual trenches, SWTOR site Going Commando gave us an honest review...

Star Stable celebrates its US mobile launch with 21M registered players

Readers will recall that back in December, horse-themed kid MMO Star Stable was planning a mobile launch, which would've put it right on trend...
hee fronse

Star Stable offers players a free horse for its anniversary

For ages on the internet we have all used the idea that something will give you a pony as accepted synecdoche for giving someone...
La la la.

Battle Bards Episode 200: Battle Bards Bicentennial!

Can you believe it? The Battle Bards have hit 200 amazing episodes! Join Steff, Syl, and Syp as they take a victory lap around...

Star Stable frolics in the Midsummer Festival and posts its summer road map

As summer soaks into the bones of human and equine alike, Star Stable has a full raft of events and updates to keep the...