wisdom of nym

Wisdom of Nym is a Final Fantasy XIV column by Eliot Lefebvre. [Follow this column’s RSS feed]

Trans rights city.

Wisdom of Nym: Completely unlikely theories for the future of Final Fantasy XIV stories

I frequently like to make predictions for the future of Final Fantasy XIV that seem reasonable and make logical sense. I'd say "that's kind...
It's not that weather here!

Wisdom of Nym: Why are Final Fantasy XIV’s event quests getting worse?

As I write this, I am looking forward to the Little Ladies' Day event in Final Fantasy XIV... or more specifically, I am looking...
He seems happy.

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV is running out of Final Fantasy

It wasn't so long ago that I did a series of columns talking about the many, many references in Final Fantasy XIV to date,...
Oh, right.

Wisdom of Nym: So, how has dropping Hard dungeons worked out for Final Fantasy XIV?

In the run-up to Shadowbringers, we learned that Final Fantasy XIV was not going to be doing Hard dungeons any longer. The reason given was...
We have fun here (I don't)

Wisdom of Nym: Examining Final Fantasy XIV’s first Seekers of Eternity live letter

Sometimes vibes just turn kinda bad. It just happens. Despite my natural state of things these days, I also have good days and bad...

Wisdom of Nym: What to expect from Final Fantasy XIV’s next Live Letter

So our next live letter for Final Fantasy XIV is coming on Friday, and I think it's honestly coming at a remarkably necessary time....
With strong eye contact.

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s pointless sidequests and FATEs

Way back in the time of Stormblood, we were told that Final Fantasy XIV was getting rid of combat-based levequests because they were basically...
Always looking back.

Wisdom of Nym: Speculating on the future of Echoes of Vana’diel in Final Fantasy XIV

The main problem with doing a Final Fantasy XI crossover in Final Fantasy XIV is that we've already had several, more or less since...
This is some Michael Bay contrast.

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s story does not know you are playing a video game

In Rich Burlew's long-running webcomic Order of the Stick, there's a moment early in the comic when a fire has engulfed the inn the...
Level up, loser.

Wisdom of Nym: What happened with Final Fantasy XIV’s spread-out patch 7.1?

So to preface this particular column, I want to make something clear: There's no conspiracy going on with Final Fantasy XIV's patch 7.1. I...
Aw yeah.

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s Summoner has always been a problem

Over the course of Final Fantasy XIV's run, we have encountered a lot of primals. There are the seven who are fought in the main...
Shock, awe.

Wisdom of Nym: The highs – and lows – of Final Fantasy XIV’s patch 7.15 stories

Technically, Final Fantasy XIV's patch 7.15 contains one piece of ongoing content... insofar as you're going to keep turning in custom deliveries to Nitowikwe...
No mom.

Wisdom of Nym: Reflecting on Final Fantasy XIV’s custom delivery clients

Tomorrow's patch will mark the latest in the long line of custom delivery clients in Final Fantasy XIV, but oddly enough I don't think...
This is some Michael Bay contrast.

Wisdom of Nym: Good aim and bad for Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail predictions

We're approaching the end of the year, and that means once again looking at my prediction history for the year, which remains at around...
It's paid for just fine.

Wisdom of Nym: The myth of Final Fantasy XIV’s budget

Let's put this front and center just to start things off because I'm annoyed: Final Fantasy XIV is not a game that is single-handedly...
We have fun here (I don't)

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s Crossroads story beats are decidedly odd

While I definitely have enjoyed the content we have gotten in Final Fantasy XIV's latest patch so far, it's also very decidedly an x.1...

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV Mobile might not be for you, and that’s fine

Ugh. Do I have to? Yes, apparently I have to. Let's talk about Final Fantasy XIV Mobile as a new thing related to Final...
Shock, awe.

Wisdom of Nym: Initial impressions of Final Fantasy XIV’s Crossroads dungeon and alliance raid

It's interesting to me how often Final Fantasy XIV patches are inconsistent when it comes to what makes them interesting. This is perhaps not...

Wisdom of Nym: Things I want from Final Fantasy XIV that I fully expect to never get

The fact that I want something in Final Fantasy XIV does not make it a good idea. There are dropped threads that the game...
We have fun here (I don't)

Wisdom of Nym: The key takeaways from Final Fantasy XIV’s Crossroads live letter

I haven't exactly been shy about mentioning that 2024 has been a terrible year for me, but then I look at the trailer for...