Daybreak Game Company, colloquially known as just Daybreak, is what remains of the formerly Sony-owned studio SOE. The company was renamed following its purchase by investment firm Columbus Nova in early 2015. It is known best for the EverQuest and PlanetSide franchises, as well as Star Wars Galaxies, DC Universe Online, H1Z1, Vanguard, Dragon’s Prophet, The Matrix Online, Free Realms, and Clone Wars Adventures.
daybreak game company
EverQuest doesn’t have a drinking problem – it has Brew Day!
Poor March, you really don't get the best of annual holidays, do you? The best that we can seem to do is slather you...
Design Mockument: How would a Marvel MMORPG actually work?
We've had an awful lot of Marvel-related online projects that never quite get over the finish line into an MMORPG. Sure, we have had...
DC Universe Online brings back Mister Mxyzptik’s Mischief to mark St. Patrick’s Day
It's not St. Patrick's Day until Mister Mxyzptik stirs up trouble for the players of DC Universe Online. Luckily this annual tradition in the...
EverQuest II’s Chronoportal Phenomenon event lets you time travel to the past
To mark and celebrate the 26th anniversary of the original EverQuest, its descendant is hosting the Chronoportal Phenomenon event this month once more. EverQuest II's time...
You can cosplay as Princess Leia in Stars Reach if it collects 5000 Kickstarter backers
While the major stretch goals of Stars Reach's Kickstarter have come thus far at predictable funding milestones, Playable Worlds is granting perks for smaller...
SWG Legends confirms Jedi Themepark 2.0 is coming this year as devs consider apartment tweaks
Star Wars Galaxies rogue server SWG Legends has released its winter newsletter this past week as the server celebrates its ninth birthday. But the...
Massively Overthinking: What should MMO corpse runs look like in 2025?
A couple of years ago - yeah, I save weird things in my "ideas bin" folder - MMO designer Damion Schubert tweeted about a...
PlanetSide 2 patches in a new base and a new related assault game mode
If you've been itching for server merges in PlanetSide 2, well, we still don't know what's happening on that front since Daybreak/Toadman's aka ToadBreak's...
The Daily Grind: Why are people reacting so strongly to Stars Reach?
Ever since Playable Worlds fully unveiled Stars Reach, we've seen a huge wave of conversation and interest rise around this sci-fi sandbox MMO. This...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 508: Stars Reach fires up crowdfunding
Justin and Bree discuss Stars Reach's Kickstarter, LOTRO's U43 and server transfers, Jake Song departing ArcheAge Chronicles, Dauntless' sunset, and Monster Hunter Wilds' debut, with adventures in LOTRO, WoW Undermined, and SWG Legends, plus a mailbag topic on the Elder Scrolls Online difficulty situation.
The Daily Grind: What MMO gameplay feels like ‘homework’ rather than fun?
One of the reasons I've been enjoying Guild Wars 2 so much for the the last seven months is that it doesn't assign me...
The MOP Up: Elder Scrolls Online lays out its March plans
Elder Scrolls Online published its schedule for March activities, which includes a set of PvP-focused login rewards, new endeavors, a Deathmatch weekend, the Jester's...
DC Universe Online kicks off its 2025 campaign with a Shock to the System
Are you ready for a year-long adventure in DC Universe Online? If not... well, presumably, you will not be playing the game's 2025 campaign,...
Star Wars Galaxies Legends celebrates its ninth birthday with Days of the Aned-Kla events
Stars Wars Galaxies rogue server SWG Legends is not the only SWG rogue server in town, but it's in the spotlight right now as...
PlanetSide 2 admits to delays for its US merges and Infiltrator rework
The Daybreak contractors still working on PlanetSide 2 are back with another monthly dev letter for fans that should add another layer of reassurance...
Pantheon’s Druid class is launching on March 5 – here’s the new trailer
Pantheon Rise of the Fallen players have been for a while that the Druid is on the way to the game, but as of...
Raph Koster’s Stars Reach has launched its $200,000 crowdfunding campaign (and now it’s fully funded)
If you're seeing these words, then the Kickstarter for Stars Reach is finally live.
Longtime readers will know we've been covering this game since...
The Daily Grind: What are the best MMO in-game communication tools that aren’t chat?
Way back in the heyday of Star Wars Galaxies, the game introduced a new concept that never really took off to the same degree...
The MOP Up: Diablo IV walks back a nerf to lacerate
Diablo IV reverted a recent nerf to one of its key skills: "We have heard feedback about how this change limited the desired functionality of...
Epic successfully sued a Fortnite cheater – and forced him to post a public apology video
Ten years ago, then-Daybreak-president John Smedley created some fun MMO drama when he went on Twitter and ranted his heart out over the nearly...